Sunday, June 24, 2012



day two continued -
ahh so my attempts at cooking for Renèe were less than desirable but it still tasted good i guess..
i tried my hand at a simple donna hay recipe
~ chorizo sausage and tomato toast with brie cheese topped mushrooms :)

i also tried my friends melting moments recipe with lemon curd filling.
the lemon curd was the easy bit.. the 'piping' of the biscuit not so much
i always get frustrated when my baking attempts fails the first time, i pride myself in being able to bake so when it turned out different to how i had planned i get grumpy haha
however it always tastes good even if it doesnt look good  :)

melting moment (flop) on lemon cheesecake yoghurt
from the yoghurt shop .... i love lemon :)

day three-
i was lucky enough to again begin my day with breakfast in bed :)
it feels like im in a movie when i can just relax, read and enjoy a cup of tea in the mornings.

jam on toast, lemon and honey tea
and of course my beloved frankie magazine.

i spent my sunday at the Burnside Rugby club watching my cousins husband and friend play rugby.
we sat in the club room out of the rain, laughing, drinking and trying to keep Jack occupied.
i never got to spend much time with my cousin when i was growing up. we would see her on birthdays and holidays, and the occasional dinner.
living so close to her now is a blessing. i love being able to see them more often and play with jack. :)

with no plans to go out as i got home at 10pm last night, i was convinced by my housemate and his partner to go out with them to mars bar (the gay and lesbian club in adelaide)
its the first time i had been, and enjoyed it thoroughly. it wasnt as good as it used to be according to the boys but i still had fun. :)
the gay community and clubs have become a bit of a novelty i think among the straight community. im lucky to have two of my own gay novelties all to myself! haha

now.. as day four of my holidays commences i am without an xbox..
sad but appreciative of the lovely man in my life that is helping me get it fixed.
Ryan - Renèe's brother has been kind enough to get one of his friends to look at it for me. im so hopeless and forgetful (not to mention angry at the fact i still havent received a dollar from the boy who is responsible for breaking it.. hmmph)
that i am yet to get it fixed.
he is such a darling for doing that for me. i owe him big time...
:D its lovely when people doing such nice gestures that like for no reason at all.
gives me faith in humanity again and remind me that not all the people i am constantly surrounded by [not by choice] are rude and self absorbed.

well its sunday today which means... ROAST NIGHT at my aunties :)
im going sit in front of the heater, chat to my mum and cuddle my dog.
keep warm!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Geppetto - This Is Where The Trouble Starts

The first single and debut of Emma Dean and Jake Diefenbach.
Its a bit twisted but its wonderful!


day two-

my day is only part way through but i have done so much and still have so much to do.
at the moment i am at my mothers, listening to the ramblings and loud laughter of my sister on the phone to her friend.
i love her dearly but gosh... ill leave it there and you can imagine what i might be thinking.

i got up at 9.30 am again this morning, must be my natural body wake up time. i like that time.
i had breakfast in bed, treating myself to a hot milo and read little women.
listening to the rain outside. 
it was pleasant way to begin my day.

i did my mini workout, hoping to do so everyday. safe to say my butt and thighs are a bit sore. :S
no pain no gain!
i have already been out shopping, collecting delicious things for dinner and dessert tonight which i am creating for Renèe. i owe her so many dinners ive lost count.
my amazing lady!

so there shall be a post of my cooking/burning and the yummy things i have planned for dessert!


holidays: day one-

everyone three cheers for uni holidays! 
hip hip HORRAY!! hip hip HORRAY!! hip hip HORRAY!!

oh its the best feeling to not have to set an alarm, and know that there are no plans on study, assignments or exam prep!
my friends, it is more glorious than i can put into words. i know my fellow uni students will now how i feel.
im excited to relax and have many wine and cheese nights with my lovely ladies!

yesterday i stayed snuggled in my warm bed until about 9.30 am! which considering i slept in until 10.30 during swot vac was an early rise.
i cleaned my room and stumbled across some old letters and nostalgic items from my once best friend.

not the best start to my holidays but i put a positive twist on it and figure its a good way to clear out the negatives of my past. 
our relationship ended suddenly, in my eyes anyway, over a year ago now.
we were friends for 7 years, she was my person, and yet after everything we had been through she walked away.
no explanation at all yet used words put me down and say things she knew was untrue.
it took my a long time to get over this, i dont think people acknowledge enough the pain that comes from losing a friend.
everyone speaks about heartbreak from a relationship of a boyfriend but never of a close friend.
its possibly harder than of a partner because this person is meant to always be there, to listen, to cry with and laugh with.
when they are gone they leave a hole but now as time as passed, i have heard things i never thought i would hear from her lips.
its funny how people think they can say whatever they please and think that, that person will not find out.
i have seen the negative and ugly things that she hid from me.
it is someone i do not wish to have in my life in any more which has made it a little easier to discard the items that remind me of her.
[including my tattoo]
i have learnt to live without her and be happy!

a faded tattoo for a faded friendship

a poem by Thomas Hardy - In the Vaulted Way

In the vaulted way, where the passage turned
To the shadowy corner that none could see,
You paused for our parting, - plaintively;
Though overnight had come words that burnded
My fond frail happiness out of me.

And then i kissed you, - despite my thought
That our spell must end when reflection came
On what you had deemed me, whose one long aim
Had been to serve you; that what i sought
Lay not in a heart that could breathe such blame.

But yet i kissed you; whereon you again
As of old kissed me. Why, why was it so?
Do you cleave to me after that light-tongued blow?
If you scored me at eventide, how love then?
The thing is dark, Dear. I do not know.

moving onto better and brighter things, my room was cleaned so i lit all my candles and turned on the music, listening to the sweet sounds of emma dean in preparation to the release of her video for 'this is where the trouble starts' with jake! :)

i did find my hidden stash of movie tickets that for some reason i have never be able to throw out! one of my guilty pleasures.
i then did all my washing, it seems that my day was full of chores... i enjoyed them because... im on holidays! :)
i even managed to do a work out! im aiming to slim my waistline, butt, thighs and prevent any attempt my body has as bingo wings! living with two boys that are so health conscious and work out all the time makes me feel a little fat and guilty when i spend most of the time eating chocolate of the couch! but hey im a single lady, im allowed to do that right?

the end of my night consisted of painting my nails and watching mad men!
not to mention getting my addiction of Heston's Feast! 
i think that was a pretty good start to my holidays, i am very pleased.

they are a bit dodgy but i never get to paint my nails because of placement and work.
so it was a bit of a treat!

i hope you are taking a breaking from the hustle and bustle of life, spending some time of you whether it be shopping or a cup of tea.
happy winter. x

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


these two adorable little people are the lovely creations of two of my close friends Emily and Jasmine.
these girls and i have some amazing memories together, we spent most of your partying youth together.
they are both such amazing women and mothers, i was lucky enough to be able to catch up with them both and their gorgeous bubs a few weeks ago.
im so happy for them both and excited to see Aubrie and Lucas grow up!!
this was the first time i met miss Aubrie and she is the happiest child ive ever met.
Lucas is a very cheeky little monkey but so loving, im pretty sure he remembers me only because im always smothered in kisses and cuddles :D

Monday, June 18, 2012

rainy days

these rainy days have consisted of exam prep..
or more so..
procrastination. :)
when we all know this is exactly what we would prefer to be doing..

Thursday, June 14, 2012

oh cabaret

my first experience at the cabaret, one that ive been desperate to tick off my list for such a long time and yes FINALLY i attended a show (or two perhaps.)
Thanks to my absolutely beautiful friends i was able to experience a little bit of the adelaide cabaret festival.
not to mention once again see the amazingly talented Emma Dean perform.
such a beautiful and creative soul that one. i love watching her sing and getting lost in her music.

please find out what im talking about by heading to her website:


we also saw a show with the likes of a girl that Renèe and i both decided we wouldnt want to be trapped down a dark alley with.
Her name, Paris Wells, i wasnt too sure what to expect from her performance but it was easy to be taken in by her music and her voice.


she has one of those amazing husky voices, im not sure how to explain, but i thoroughly enjoyed her show also. very different to something i would normally listen to but great none the less.
i like being introduced to new and strange things :)

im lucky i have friends that like to share!

unfortunately i have no photos of the performers due to a no photography or film rule. but i will add a few 'creative' ones instead (i use that term very loosely)

Friday, June 8, 2012

'tweet of the day'

ive stumbled across many cute, funny, and thoughtful things thanks to this lovely lady and her two beautiful friends...

I will probably write about her many more times and my girl crush for Zooey, BUT
this is actually just to share with you the funny twitters a girl from NYC cartoons and posts on a favourite little site of mine called hellogiggles :)

and she goes by the name maritza lugo
here are just a few to get your started :)

our planet

my house mates and i have some interesting conversations and from time to time a certain topic will spark my interest.
this time i happened to be relating to compost...

bit odd i know but i asked Jase if we had received a little compost bin from the council like Renèe, apparently we didnt because we are apart of a different council.
this however got Jase asking why composting was so important, what exactly would i gain from this, beside bringing more possums into our yard to feed on the scraps.
i said because it was good for the environment and his garden but apparently that wasnt good enough and honestly, i didnt know why it was a good thing it was just a piece of knowledge i had been given by my parents and teachers.
in saying that i decided i would do a little of extra curricular research out side of my normal scope of practice make it a little more environmentally based.

using trusty google i found a few sites that related to composting, recycling and generally helping the environment.
we have been blessed by this world and its beautiful nature of both fauna and flora.
so why shouldnt we do anything we can, big or small, to help conserve our precious surroundings. gave me the information and reasoning behind why i should make the boys compost and recycle :)

a few little bits you may not have known about composting..
- it helps improve soil quality and vitality from all the rich nutrients it disperses
- organic material breakdown encourages prevention of greenhouse gas emissions;
[its the same waste that is in our landfill that adds to these emissions because its not being broken down properly, so by resisting to chuck your scraps in the bin and instead dispose of it properly you're already decreasing damage to our planet]
- decreases the amount of organise waste in landfill
- saves you money on fertilisers

there is a list of do and don'ts when it comes to creating your own compost :)
take a squiz.

i found another website that lists 50 ways to help the planet..
even if we all chose one or two of these to do on a regular basis, its a step forward towards a brighter and healthier future :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

why i love my friends

this girl. my beloved Sarah...
knows how to procrastinate, and do it well!

'how many mini marshmallows can i fit in my mouth?'
[instead of doing her lit review]

Mini Marshmallows!!

30 marshmallows

100 marshmallows

she got to 120 before laughing! 
there is definitely only one of her <3

light and love.

love, one of life's greatest mysteries
where does it come from and when its leaves us..
where does it go?
its true when they say be happy within yourself,
before you can be happy with another.
find yourself first.
its not selfish to want the best for you,
to know you, and have an idea about what makes you happy,
what makes you laugh and cry.
why live basing you own happiness on someone else?
they should add to your life and happiness,
not control it.
finding that peace with being alone is something hard,
but it is worth it
its not a bad thing, its a blessing.
you figure out your likes and dislikes,
and learn how to be stronger and wiser.

~ you are the seed in which you grow,
family are your roots.
friends are your branches and leaves.
{they come and they go with the seasons}
relationships are the flowers that blossom,
and the fruit that thrives.
the taste is sweet when it is right.~

we are apart of nature and nature is apart of us.
we live, we learn, we love.
we make mistakes and grow towards the sun.
experience the light it has to give,
and the adventure the world has to offer.
we can offer more than marriage and children,
we offer compassion, nurturing, education and so much more.
look and feel outside the box,
we don't need to live to society's rules and expectations.
one broken heart is not the end,
one man's mistake should not damned all males.
but we are taught to be weary, and trust ourselves-
your senses are stronger than you know.




If you have never listened to the Jezabels i suggest you start now. there lastest album 'Prisoner' is addictive to say the least. They are currently touring Australia, promoting this album as well as a few old favourite songs.
I was so lucky to be able to go with my dearest Renèe. This was the first time i have seen the Jezabels live so i wasnt too sure what to expect.

I definitely wasnt expecting that there would be screaming girls and boys in the front, acting like they were at a justin beiber concert. i guess that's what you should expect from an all ages gig. however they werent screaming for the main attraction but for the support act, 'lights'
Neither Renèe or i had any idea who this band/girl was. Her music was less than to be deseired by our ears. Her music is described as an 'electro-rock sensation' im not sure what i heard but to us it was alot of noise, trying to mix a lot of different genre's into one?
it wasnt bad, just not my cup of tea, im not a big fan of dubstep..
she was however entertaining and there seemed to be quite a few people that enjoyed her and decided to leave once they had finished which made room for us. so i was happy.

here is a video and link to the 'lights' page. what is your opinion??
(you can actually understand the words she is saying here, they weren't so comprehensible at the concert)


The other support act was the gorgeous band Snakadaktal which were Triple J's unearthed band of 2011!
They are adorable! i loved their music. they were chilled with beautiful mix of guitar and synthesizers! thoroughly enjoyed their performance.



The Jezabels, ah how i love them. A Sydeney group collaborating to create music that is alternative/indie rock. much more up my alley :)
Their song 'Endless Summer' was in the Triple J top 10 of the hottest 100 last year.
Hayley Mary the lead singer is such an amazing performer and entertainer, her voice is unlike any other. so strong and covering such a diverse range of highs and lows!
Lets not forget the other amazing people that make this band so splendid.
Heather Shannon, Nik Kaloper and Samuel Lockwood.

Some of my pictures from the show as well as a few of their official videos :) enjoy!

these videos are all from their latest album

~ Endless Summer


~City Girl

the weeks passed..

wow i get myself lost in my little world that i forget to post!
apologies. i doesn't help with the lack of internet at home and all i want to do it
snuggle up on the couch and watch movies.

what has happened?! alot! it feels like ive been running around with my head cut off.
it was the last week of placement about 2 weeks ago now, i had to say goodbye to ICU (intensive care unit) for now but i very much want to go back.
i looked after a range of patients and never thought i would have the confidence to do what i have in that setting. ICU care for very sick patients but i learnt such a great deal in 5 weeks and because of that i really want to go back. im even considering doing a Graduate Diploma in critical care. more study...? what am i thinking haha.

We had two 'conference' days relating to our very near future and preparation of applying for graduate positions. Hospitals came to speak to us and try to convince us to apply with them, it was nice to feel wanted, i guess we are the future of our tomorrow. It made a lot of us realise how close we are the end of our degree and we will be working as nurses next year. No student identity to hide behind any more. Its exciting in the same sense though, so many possibilities! Apart from that i am also on the graduate dinner committee with some very lovely ladies from my cohort. im lucky to be working with such easy going people. it makes things easier, yet we still have no much to do as well as study for exams etc. i hope our year appreciates the work that will be put towards this night.

but for now its head down and bum up, spending the next week and a bit studying for my exams. 2 of the last 4 exams i will ever have at university! yay!

i have more to add but i think ill put it in another post! stay tuned for the jezabels :D