Friday, June 22, 2012


holidays: day one-

everyone three cheers for uni holidays! 
hip hip HORRAY!! hip hip HORRAY!! hip hip HORRAY!!

oh its the best feeling to not have to set an alarm, and know that there are no plans on study, assignments or exam prep!
my friends, it is more glorious than i can put into words. i know my fellow uni students will now how i feel.
im excited to relax and have many wine and cheese nights with my lovely ladies!

yesterday i stayed snuggled in my warm bed until about 9.30 am! which considering i slept in until 10.30 during swot vac was an early rise.
i cleaned my room and stumbled across some old letters and nostalgic items from my once best friend.

not the best start to my holidays but i put a positive twist on it and figure its a good way to clear out the negatives of my past. 
our relationship ended suddenly, in my eyes anyway, over a year ago now.
we were friends for 7 years, she was my person, and yet after everything we had been through she walked away.
no explanation at all yet used words put me down and say things she knew was untrue.
it took my a long time to get over this, i dont think people acknowledge enough the pain that comes from losing a friend.
everyone speaks about heartbreak from a relationship of a boyfriend but never of a close friend.
its possibly harder than of a partner because this person is meant to always be there, to listen, to cry with and laugh with.
when they are gone they leave a hole but now as time as passed, i have heard things i never thought i would hear from her lips.
its funny how people think they can say whatever they please and think that, that person will not find out.
i have seen the negative and ugly things that she hid from me.
it is someone i do not wish to have in my life in any more which has made it a little easier to discard the items that remind me of her.
[including my tattoo]
i have learnt to live without her and be happy!

a faded tattoo for a faded friendship

a poem by Thomas Hardy - In the Vaulted Way

In the vaulted way, where the passage turned
To the shadowy corner that none could see,
You paused for our parting, - plaintively;
Though overnight had come words that burnded
My fond frail happiness out of me.

And then i kissed you, - despite my thought
That our spell must end when reflection came
On what you had deemed me, whose one long aim
Had been to serve you; that what i sought
Lay not in a heart that could breathe such blame.

But yet i kissed you; whereon you again
As of old kissed me. Why, why was it so?
Do you cleave to me after that light-tongued blow?
If you scored me at eventide, how love then?
The thing is dark, Dear. I do not know.

moving onto better and brighter things, my room was cleaned so i lit all my candles and turned on the music, listening to the sweet sounds of emma dean in preparation to the release of her video for 'this is where the trouble starts' with jake! :)

i did find my hidden stash of movie tickets that for some reason i have never be able to throw out! one of my guilty pleasures.
i then did all my washing, it seems that my day was full of chores... i enjoyed them because... im on holidays! :)
i even managed to do a work out! im aiming to slim my waistline, butt, thighs and prevent any attempt my body has as bingo wings! living with two boys that are so health conscious and work out all the time makes me feel a little fat and guilty when i spend most of the time eating chocolate of the couch! but hey im a single lady, im allowed to do that right?

the end of my night consisted of painting my nails and watching mad men!
not to mention getting my addiction of Heston's Feast! 
i think that was a pretty good start to my holidays, i am very pleased.

they are a bit dodgy but i never get to paint my nails because of placement and work.
so it was a bit of a treat!

i hope you are taking a breaking from the hustle and bustle of life, spending some time of you whether it be shopping or a cup of tea.
happy winter. x

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