Wednesday, February 22, 2012

garden loooove

in Adelaide around this time of year everything is happening.
we have all the sound festivals, the clipsal and most importantly
THE FRINGE! which also means the garden of unearthly delights :)
my friends and i attended the garden opening on thursday night.
i loooove the atmosphere of the fringe, the lights, the music, the freaks!
we arrived just in time for the fireworks and spent the night walking around taking in the vibe.
i finally had a cocktail at the bus! i miss out last year, the day i decided to go it had be taken down :(
it was a very fun night thought, enjoyed the vibe and the company very much so!
im excited for the more fun times to be had during the next festive month.

(soooo... this post has actually been up on my computer for about 3-4 days... i was planning on adding some photos but instead i shall post this now and update photos later, sorry for my laziness :S)

on another note, i spent a good 4hours or so at the hair dresser today. new colour and a cut and i feel like a new lady :) photos of that will also be coming soon to a web blog near you... aka here :P

love and peace, Skye x

Saturday, February 18, 2012

a very late post [took me forever to upload oops]

it has taken me a few days to get on here but here i am none the less.
i am happy to say my baking adventure was a success! the new oven is awesome and i didnt burn anything which is a major plus.
i put smiles on the faces of both my two house mates with a big heart shaped two layer red velvet cake, they were even lucky enough to lick the mixers haha
and also made a dozen nurses happy with my red velvet cupcakes which i spoilt them with in recovery.

this valentines day was actually pretty amazing.
i gave to others which always makes me smile and i also received a little surprise gift from my lovely friend and fellow student Abby.
rose cream haighs chocolates, she killed two birds with one stone there... roses AND chocolate. she also bought me a chai latte, which reminded me of our morning coffee dates on campus last year. im excited for those to commence again soon.

my valentines day night was spent with friends at our favourite (by our i mean Renee and myself) thai restaurant Danny's, laughing over wine and amazing food. im am so lucky and grateful to have met and have such wonderful people in my life that make this world worth living in.
i have lost my faith in the human race for many reason of late, but realises i dont need certain people in my life and i have others that give me hope that the world isnt filled with selfish, douch bags definitely makes me heart smile!

i spend my last shift in recovery yesterday, which is sad only because i finally feel apart of the team, even as student, which is a lovely feeling. but im off to theatre for two weeks which i am also excited about. i love this area of nursing in general. although you dont spend as much time with the patients as you do on the ward you are working apart of a more team orientated environment which i love. im really enjoying this hospital too :)

well i guess ill have to wait for the internet to connect before i can post this.
i better get out of bed (it is 11.13am) and do some house work then i can sit  down, play fable and get excited for the Garden of Unearthly Delights opening which i am attending with the girls tonight :D

love and peace, Skye x

Sunday, February 12, 2012

eyes wide shut

well today has definitely offered me a variety of sorts..

i work an early shift this morning, and driving from my home to work feels like im leaving one world and travelling to the next. much like in a video game.
i made the mistake of going from work to woolworths to meet Miss Shona (my dance teacher but we classify each other as family), the only thing wrong with this is that my work shirt is very similar to those that the staff of woolworths wear.
however i earn a lot more money than they do, so i guess thats a plus.
this is one thing i wont be doing again any time soon.
But returning to their house before they did, as i dont have 4 children to load into a car, i spent some time lying in their front garden enjoying the sun and cool breeze.

[i got a phone call from my sister that involved some news that wasnt very pleasant, but that will be a whole other entry once i get my own head around the stupidity and embarrassment of it. but i do want to write something on it because its a pretty important topic]

i spent the evening eating pizza, watching a movie and sharing laughs with Renee and her exchange student Melanie... ok so shes not exactly an exchange student. she is studying her PhD her in the same area as Renee and instead of staying in the hostel, Renee has offered her a room in their house.
She is lovely, from Holland. I absolutely adore her accent and the times where she muddles her words. Renee and I are kidnapping her for Valentines night dinner.

We also added another activity to our long 'to do' list - teach Skye to rollerskate... not blade but skate. What i havent mentioned about Renee is that she a lady of many talents.
One of which involved roller derby. Yes she was a derby girl!

I LOVE IT! i even gave her skates a try and awkwardly pulled myself around the house and managed to skate stiffly at a slow pace. of course just making everyone else laugh at my attempts.
(don't mind my gross legs)

Last but not least i decided to take the more scenic route home through the city tonight and stumbled across from pretty lights in Whitmore Square that i wanted to share with you :)

love and peace, Skye x

Saturday, February 11, 2012

sabon love

its time like these i wish i either lived in America or lived in a city of Australia that offered more amazing boutiques such as the following...

Sabon NYC (click me)

gosh i think ive fallen into a girls heaven. i know what ill be working hard for the next few months.
also great gift idea don't you think?
i possibly could ask a friend who is travelling to America to stop by..
a boy in a store like this could be quite funny.
PLUS he did ask me what candy i would like from there, maybe i could substitute
it for something that will clear my skin rather than help me add to the blemishes i already have?

love and peace, Skye x


my puppy dog. i miss her.

my aunties puppy. poor little bucket head pickle.


at a more appropriate time of the day, i was enjoying the reads on one of my favourite sites,

[im not sure if im obsessed with it because Zooey Deschanel is a co-founder but it probably has a lot to do with it. however if you have not read it before i suggest you do.
its lovely and offers ideas and stories that can appeal to everyone.]

i was reminded once again that Valentines day creeping around the corner.
and therefore reminded on how i am without a valentine once again.
i sound like a sad sack but i did have a valentine once.
my boyfriend Sam. he sent me flowers from Melbourne. he was sweet.
my boyfriend of late Ryan however did not.. his excuse was that he couldn't afford a dozen red roses so he didn't get me anything.
really i should have known then right?
oh well the heart wants what the heart wants...

so its safe to say that its not one of my favourite days, i wish i was that girl that could aww and say how cute all the couples are around the city, holding hands, exchanges love filled gifts; but honestly lets see the reality of it all, im the girl walking with her head down so i dont have to view such things and giving dirty looks to those that do catch my eyes. 
this year though my heart has been lifted ever so slightly.
im going to embrace this years valentines day.
ive already bought some gifts... for myself :)

my wonderful friend Renee has suggested a girls night of movies, junk food and nail painting which would have occurred monday night if i didnt have a late shift that day.
but we have decided on a double date at our favourite thai restaurant Danny's on Valentines day night. she will be of course bringing her boyfriend and i have invited a close friend of mine who will most probably be hating on this day of love as much as i would have been. 
so im actually looking forward to this inevitable day as i shall be spending it with amazing people. who says you need a partner to feel loved. im very lucky in that sense i think.

i am also going to bake my red velvet cake for my house mates and for the lonely souls of the Recovery ward at my placement hospital. which im excited to do :) im going to try my best to not be a grinch this year, take that step forward and be a better more positive person... but as you can see one of my valentines gifts were a whole lot of sugar.. so you can probably see what ill be doing after dinner. [dirty dancing, chocolate and tissues?]

well i hope everyone else has a splendid day and week. dont let your hearts frown too much if you dont do anything special or receive anything because really. its just a day. and if someone really loves you and appreciates you they will show you all year round not just on this over the top, money making, lovey dovey day. well that's what i will keep reminding myself anyway.

love and peace, Skye x

just a quick shout out to my amazing and beautiful soul, auntie stacy. i love you. <3


i think writing late at night may become the common conditions to my blog.
living in a house with two boys means the only time i really have to myself to think
is at night.

things have finally made some progress in the house which is exciting. 
pushing to having small things done that make a big difference has been slightly harder than i thought but very rewarding in the long run.
we finally cleaned out our back room... kind of. at least now we have a clear walk way from the kitchen to the laundry and out the back door. instead of feeling like i've walked into a hoarders house. (man i love that show.)
we also managed to move some of the old parts that our landlord had along the fence, where our clothes line is situated.
as the backyards are combine we have to negotiate a few things but i love having a cleaner 'backyard' and that i can reach the washing line and use it! *cheers

it was officially a week since i moved out of my mother house and into one of my own..
i miss her, my sister and my adorable puppy dog so much but i think it will be good for us.
being away from them will make our relationships stronger and appreciate each other that much more. i love them so much and grateful that i have them in my life.

i had an amazing girls night with my beautiful friend Caitlin last night. we ordered the most delicious pizza from a place called crust, the staff there was so nice, we were lucky enough to get a free cookies and cream mousse. :) which reminds me it is still in my fridge. fingers crossed one of the boys haven't got to it before me, they are pretty sneaky.
we just watched some movies and just spent some quality time together. she makes my heart smile, i don't know where i'd be without her and her lovely nature.

the movies did get me thinking how much i miss having someone though..
just miss having that person to hold me,
to kiss and feel loved.
as much as i love my family and friends, and i am totally ok with being alone.
it is some times a bit lonely.
but there is nothing wrong with being lonely right.

well my house is definitely not lonely at the moment, the band boys are over from after the gig tonight. they are a lovely bunch of lads. very happy to welcome them and their contagious laughter and warm hearts into my own.

love and peace, Skye x

Monday, February 6, 2012


its late but i figured that while i can (as we have no internet ourselves just yet and are sneaking our neighbours/landlords) i would update the beautiful people of this web blog world of my latest happenings.

i finally moved out! i think my poor mother was in denial about the whole things until i actually started packing boxes. she didn't have much to say about it all until i was gone then spent time making little care packages for me which was adorable!
i love my mum, we have our up and downs but she's a keeper. 
she knows me so well which is nice because my first care package was of all the things i need to bake! bless her cotton socks.

living in a share house, i have realised, can be difficult, and its only day 3. oh my.
especially when you unfortunately have an early shift at the hospital, needing to wake up at 5am on a saturday and it is also a house mates 21st birthday and gig the night before...
on one and half hours sleep im not even sure how i made it through the day. (possibly the 2 coffees i had that would have equalled 6 as they were that strong..)

i have to say i haven't been here much apart from thursday-ish;moving day and friday.
but i like it here. lots more to do but im happy.
work was my saturday morning and staying conscious enough to make it to my amazing girlfriends house and proceed to eat lovely food and drink gin was my night.
as well as a few funny messages from my friend who was attending a wedding. 
he is quirky, funny and honest. i love that about him. he makes me smile and i don't even think he realises how amazing he actually is, deep down as a person not just what everyone sees on the outside.
i'm so lucky that my gin loving and lovely red headed friend is so amazing at cooking. she always feeds me well when i stay with her. she knows it and loves it. and i love her in turn for it.

after a beautiful family roast tonight with my extended family that happens quite often i spent the beginning of the night with my first french lesson :)
my bucket list is a long one but learning and language is on it, and having a friend Renee (the new, beautiful, red headed and amazing cooking friend) that also knows and speaks french also owns aids to teach french, so that was the language chosen :)

it was a little daunting at first, and i probably sounded silly to my house mates sitting in the lounge room which is situated outside my bedroom door. but i'm going to stick with it. i actually do know a little bit on french now and its exciting to say.
i'm taking control of my life and doing the things i love and want to learn all with the people i love, respect and make me happy in the process.

i'm excited for this year. new home. new friends. new experiences to be had.
i am also excited for my first placement tomorrow. the official start to my last year of university. 
at least i am able to get up at a dignified hour like 7am rather than 5.30am.

once i know how to spell and say it in french, goodnight.

love and peace, skye x