Thursday, May 30, 2013


Thailand overhaul began yesterday...
I figured i need to minimise the amount off ass im taking with me overseas. If its going to be hot and dress and short shorts will be the attire
whilst im away then i want to look damn good in it and increase my chaces of meeting and nabbing myself a cute foreigner on kontiki tour from
holand or germany or sweden [a girl can dream alright]
Anyway i started yesteday, i spoke with my housemate about the best way to 'get fit' by time august rolls around.
I need to train at least 3 times a week doing different things, plan my exercise for the week around my roster and do it.
As well as behaving my food cravings, which is even harder when its that time of the month.
So i thought id keep an online diary of my progress, hoping that i wont stray if other people are aware of it, i expect messages from those i know
to keep me on track.

As this discussion held place on tuesday my diary begins on a wednesday.
Wednesday; early shift
Breakfast, cereal with low fat milk
Morning tea, hudsons skim mocha [will need to cut these out] vanilla yoghurt and an organic museli bar
Lunch, peanut butter only on light rye bread, a banana
Dinner, homemade thai curry with brown rice, peppermint tea, 1 homemade anzac biscuit [whoops] 6 squares of organic dark chocolate [double whoops]it was my first day...
1.5 litre bottle of water
Exercise, 2ks on the treadmill under 15mins

Thursday; late shift
Breakfast, cereal with low fat milk
Lunch, to be a banana and mixed berry smoothie
Dinner, to be homemade thai curry with brown rice
1.5 litre bottle of water
Exercise, morning hike - mt lofty [1hr 45mins]

Wish me luck. x

Friday, May 24, 2013

right now is one of those moments i would rather curl up into a ball and cry, but unfortunately in the real work i have to put on my uniform and go to work.
today is not a day i want to be dealing with my patients crap (both kinds)
i love my job, i really do. but like everyone else i have a career with perks and things i do not enjoy.
i feel for my patients however some just like to suck the life right out of you, like a dementor from harry potter.
my dream last night was one of those dreams where you get upset, so much infact that your body actually reacts to it. im not sure if i woke up from crying or the sheer shock of my emotions towards my dream, but i felt compelled to do something about my dream and the person in it, i awoke to already have message from said person deflating any feeling i had towards changing our situation..
the person in question; my dad.
yes boo hoo a girl with daddy issues. however i have had to deal with this sadistic and self absorbed person my whole life so i get to have a little whinge on the matter.
but after tears and a conversation with my conscience (renee) i slowly realised no one is perfect and my guilt ridden dream was that.. a dream. my illusions for a relationship with my father are built on nothing but false hope. something i need to learn to control and as sad as it may be, we will never share anything close to what my mind and heart wish for.
so instead i wiped my tears, complained with the sister, listened to M.Ward (and fell in love with him a little deeper) and put my miserable mood to good use. baking.
the house now smells like biscuits and im having to get ready for work...
thoughts from a distraught child learning that big girls dont cry and daddy's arent superheroes (at least mine isnt) something if i think about i realised a long, long time ago.

Friday, May 10, 2013

this is 24.

so its 36 minutes past midnight and it is no longer my birthday..
i have now been 24 for 1 day and 36 minutes.
its not so bad. i was secretly hoping that my face would clear up all its late pubescent pimple breakouts
ive been having lately. unfortunately this was not the case.
instead i woke several times in the early hours of the morning scared that i would sleep through my alarm...
i shall tell you why this is a little tale of my first day as a 24 year old... woman? lady? < i get called those once i turn 25 right? or was that when i turned 21? i dont really feel like a woman... they are responsible and have their lives under control for the most part which i have not yet mastered sooo lets go with lady..
a day in the shoes of a newly turned 24 year old lady.

my morning was rudely interrupted by my body clock first deciding that it was time to rise and shine at the time i normally would if i was working an early shift... 0515. yuck. the sun doesnt even want to rise that early. trust me.

 and this is what a 24 year old looks like at 0730 in the morning on her birthday...for some reason the weather decided to bless with me with a warm day. its autumn. a very unexpected but also welcome change.

so i had patch work dreams until my techno mix of an alarm sounded at 0700.
i had 30minutes to get my self together and then drive into the city to be the good person that i am, and donate a whole 470ml of blood.
up side i got a birthday card, a mug, fridge magnet and some chocolates (which were melba's, this isnt a bad thing but haiges is like right next door.. so that would have been nicer, heads up red cross)
down side getting jabbed by a nurse that asked me if i was alright several times in between speaking with a fellow nurse about the house she was building. not the best bed side or should i say chair side manner i have encountered at the blood centre but the bruise she gave me was a winner.

after a quick refreshment i had to attend to my other lady duties like grocery shopping so i had some food in the house and also had to buy in bulk all the lady things i need for that time of the month. waking up on your birthday realising youre out of EVERYTHING is the worst, most scary feeling, luckily i have an emergency stash in my car. crisis avoided thank goodness! <sorry boys.
so with blood coming from what felt like everywhere, and also having the emotions running extra high today i thought a spending spree on clothes would be a fantastic idea... which it was duh. new clothes are awesome!
so i have a few new outfits appropriate for a 24 year old which made my heart warm, in between the lovely and quirky messages i received from friends via facebook and text this morning. which was nice.

my next stop was a my mothers house. to hang out there with my puppy before heading to the doctors to get some much needed scripts. (i know right i do all the best and most fun things on my birthday)


doing this wasnt an issue for me... waiting the hour and a half to be called was... its a new record for him thats for sure.
my plans for the afternoon were to see the exhibition at the art gallery on the work of Turner which included some art work from the Tate Gallery in England. Fancy i know.

As we were beginning the guided tour and heading into the second 'era' of his work i had the most overwhelming feeling... i wanted to faint... well i didnt want to, i wanted to listen and learn... but my body, nope it wanted me on the floor. after many times to try and compose myself, i failed. i sat on the floor for a good amount of time. then had to lie on the floor when that stopped working and proceeded to listen to the door man tell me to shut my eyes and think of somewhere nice, like the beach... i was feeling dizzy not having an anxiety attack. luckily i have a sister with a big mouth that said, shes okay, shes a nurse which shut him up quick smart.
well as i was on the floor i realised i hadnt had any lunch as i was waiting for my doctor at that time.
and after having close to half a litre of blood drained from my body... it would be lacking in a few essential ingredients that i had not yet replenished fully from my nut bar and diet coke from earlier.. like salt, sugar and water! safe to say once i fixed what made me feel like a diabetic having a hypoglycaemic attack i finished experiencing the beautiful artwork and history of this famous artist.

I thankfully got myself home in once piece to relax for a little bit, have a shower, freshen up and get ready for dinner with my darling friends. My auntie stace and uncle mark visited me at my house which was lovely.

scored myself a bed, bath and table voucher... hello new towels.. or quilt cover.. or any amazing home wares i dont really need! dinner was at kintaro sushi bar on the parade. we introduced kevin to foods he had yet to explore or rather refused to eat. he was happily surprised i think.
then we had a little bit of time to waste before going and seeing iron man 3 *swooooon; robert downy jr!
sooo we took a little walk down to the local pub to have a drink but mainly to play citadels.
yes we were the nerdy group in the corner booth playing card games! but this is why i love my friends so, because they had this game with them, ready to go!

so finishing up my night on a high, drooling over tony stark and his dry sarcasm was probably the best. i also got to end it with my most favourite people that i love and adore. so this birthday actually hasnt been too bad. im a pretty lucky girl when i think about it. even if im now 24.

(late update because my computer froze last night at 1am ugh)