Friday, June 8, 2012

our planet

my house mates and i have some interesting conversations and from time to time a certain topic will spark my interest.
this time i happened to be relating to compost...

bit odd i know but i asked Jase if we had received a little compost bin from the council like Renèe, apparently we didnt because we are apart of a different council.
this however got Jase asking why composting was so important, what exactly would i gain from this, beside bringing more possums into our yard to feed on the scraps.
i said because it was good for the environment and his garden but apparently that wasnt good enough and honestly, i didnt know why it was a good thing it was just a piece of knowledge i had been given by my parents and teachers.
in saying that i decided i would do a little of extra curricular research out side of my normal scope of practice make it a little more environmentally based.

using trusty google i found a few sites that related to composting, recycling and generally helping the environment.
we have been blessed by this world and its beautiful nature of both fauna and flora.
so why shouldnt we do anything we can, big or small, to help conserve our precious surroundings. gave me the information and reasoning behind why i should make the boys compost and recycle :)

a few little bits you may not have known about composting..
- it helps improve soil quality and vitality from all the rich nutrients it disperses
- organic material breakdown encourages prevention of greenhouse gas emissions;
[its the same waste that is in our landfill that adds to these emissions because its not being broken down properly, so by resisting to chuck your scraps in the bin and instead dispose of it properly you're already decreasing damage to our planet]
- decreases the amount of organise waste in landfill
- saves you money on fertilisers

there is a list of do and don'ts when it comes to creating your own compost :)
take a squiz.

i found another website that lists 50 ways to help the planet..
even if we all chose one or two of these to do on a regular basis, its a step forward towards a brighter and healthier future :)

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