Tuesday, June 14, 2011


life is way to short to be holding back and not taking that one faithful leap.

live with no regrets,

smile every chance you get,

fall in love, 

let go of grudges,

be scared,

be strong,

stop smoking,

laugh until you cry,

wake up early to watch the sun rise,

and watch it set that same day,

be spontaneous,

eat your dessert first,

dance in the rain,

take lots of photos,

be silly sometimes,

take chances,

take road trips with friends,

spent time with your family,

be brave,

never go to sleep on a fight,


be happy,

be you!

realise what you have before its too late!

you only get one chance at this life.

you are the one in control of it.

make it count.

i just wish i could make you see it through my eyes, 

just for one day!

love always, Skye x


  1. naww thank you! im so sorry that i didnt see this comment until now!
