reasons why 2013 is already freaking amazing.
number one: i brought in said new year with all the best people i know. they made me laugh until i cried and i appreciate each one for the great ideas and experiences they bring to my life [nawwwww]
number two: i am not suffering from a disgusting hangover! and this is despite playing numerous rounds of kings and also taking part of consuming several tequila jelly shots.
i had self control unlike a certain friend of ours that was unfortunately a little under the weather and spent 9pm onwards making friends with the upstairs toilet..
number three: and i personally think this is the best new years gift ever... we finally have internet! unlimited ADSL 2 baby!
sooo many movies to download and blogging to be conducted before february 11th rolls around and my life as we know it starts and ends all at once by the fact full time work will be commencing.
goodbye lazy days on the couch and random drinking nights with the boys.
however an upside to this is that it will be replaced by an abundance of money being deposited into my account each fortnight which im sure will be greatly appreciated by my purse and housemate [as now i will be able to pay rent again.]
jase im not sure if you stumble across my wee page or are just consumed by gay porn BUT you sir are awesome.
i am actually pretty lucky with my live in's. we all get along really well and there have been no major issues between us. fingers crossed it stays that way.
as for this new year.. 2013.. [sounds weird] i haven't chosen any new years resolutions.
i think im just going to try and continue my fasting from fast food, mainly HJ's, McDonalds, KFC and Subway. not that it has really effected my weight at all, i just like knowing that i went a whole year without consuming it!! pizza however, will always be okay.
i did a little search for the new year's resolutions and of course there is always the normal ones, drink less, quit smoking, read more [something i did actually achieve last year, however i have learnt that this year i will keep record of what i read], exercise and eat healthy..
i did find this little list of new years resolutions people have written on twitter, some made me a giggle a bit, its surprising how many are related to pets.. maybe getting a dog to be my furry companion would be a bad idea, i dont want to be on this list next year for the same reason..
i read somewhere that the best new year's resolution is to not have new year's resolutions, to be open to change and new experiences.
last year was just the beginning of that for me, and for the next i hope to grow and learn and love. in which ever order and in which ever way the world sees fit. i would love and try to do a photo a day again, put myself back in the mode of taking photos again [ive been neglecting my poor camera] but im not sure how well it will go so im not making myself any promises. but in good faith my own little selfie below will commence it.
as for my first blog of the year i will finish it with.
i wish each and everyone of you an exciting and fun filled year!
love me!
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