Wednesday, March 21, 2012


oh where this year has taken me thus far has been one hell of a ride.
more ups than downs which i am proud to say, yet it may slowly be getting the best of me.
in my past whine [i mean post] i mentioned a little something about the emergency department and my unfortunate 5 week date with said department.
well 3 weeks in and im already running out the doors.
i gave it the benefit of the doubt, mainly for my tutor not for myself, but trying hard to learn the most i can and build on all my assessment skills, which slowly have been growing.
however i can confirm with complete honestly that i strongly dislike ED and i think it feels the same about me.

the loss of control for a person that needs to be in control is hard work, and doing things without really thinking is a scary thought to me. 
it is amazing the things these nurses are faced with each shift, some shifts can be lovely, others are like all hell has broken loose in the waiting room and they are placing bodies wherever they can fit a bed!
i can say though, as much as no one wants to be in the corridor when they are sick, sometimes its the best we can do.
and the nurses are definitely not happy about it!
just another of the struggles of the job i guess.

NOW this was not the reason for the initial post,
apart from extreme procrastination (im not sure how many times i have said/written that tonight) from an assignment that is due on friday, i just wanted to say a quick hello and mention to my beautiful soul, Renee
she is my amazing shining star that actually gave me hope in the human race and loyalty of friends again.

[hi fwend!]

she has remarkably started her own little scribble page for her thoughts which i feel privileged to be able to read and sneak inside her head from time to time :) 
but really i just wanted to say how totally amazing i think she is.
and she mentioned a little something about a person filling all the spots that others could not... and she is definitely that to me too!
i honestly never thought i would have this kind of friendship again and be 100% comfortable as myself with her. thank you for everything from before, now and to come.
we will have many amazing adventures!
and we will not forget to document!

goodnight... as i try to complete this darn assignment!

love and peace, Skye x


  1. thank you. this makes me heart smile :)
    from one S to another x

  2. hi fwend!! your posts are super cute :) i will update mine again sooooon xx

  3. I'm absolutely in love with your blog...
    yes, you got a new follower...



  4. yay!! this is amazing. thank you so much! i have the biggest grin on my face :)
