Saturday, February 11, 2012


at a more appropriate time of the day, i was enjoying the reads on one of my favourite sites,

[im not sure if im obsessed with it because Zooey Deschanel is a co-founder but it probably has a lot to do with it. however if you have not read it before i suggest you do.
its lovely and offers ideas and stories that can appeal to everyone.]

i was reminded once again that Valentines day creeping around the corner.
and therefore reminded on how i am without a valentine once again.
i sound like a sad sack but i did have a valentine once.
my boyfriend Sam. he sent me flowers from Melbourne. he was sweet.
my boyfriend of late Ryan however did not.. his excuse was that he couldn't afford a dozen red roses so he didn't get me anything.
really i should have known then right?
oh well the heart wants what the heart wants...

so its safe to say that its not one of my favourite days, i wish i was that girl that could aww and say how cute all the couples are around the city, holding hands, exchanges love filled gifts; but honestly lets see the reality of it all, im the girl walking with her head down so i dont have to view such things and giving dirty looks to those that do catch my eyes. 
this year though my heart has been lifted ever so slightly.
im going to embrace this years valentines day.
ive already bought some gifts... for myself :)

my wonderful friend Renee has suggested a girls night of movies, junk food and nail painting which would have occurred monday night if i didnt have a late shift that day.
but we have decided on a double date at our favourite thai restaurant Danny's on Valentines day night. she will be of course bringing her boyfriend and i have invited a close friend of mine who will most probably be hating on this day of love as much as i would have been. 
so im actually looking forward to this inevitable day as i shall be spending it with amazing people. who says you need a partner to feel loved. im very lucky in that sense i think.

i am also going to bake my red velvet cake for my house mates and for the lonely souls of the Recovery ward at my placement hospital. which im excited to do :) im going to try my best to not be a grinch this year, take that step forward and be a better more positive person... but as you can see one of my valentines gifts were a whole lot of sugar.. so you can probably see what ill be doing after dinner. [dirty dancing, chocolate and tissues?]

well i hope everyone else has a splendid day and week. dont let your hearts frown too much if you dont do anything special or receive anything because really. its just a day. and if someone really loves you and appreciates you they will show you all year round not just on this over the top, money making, lovey dovey day. well that's what i will keep reminding myself anyway.

love and peace, Skye x

just a quick shout out to my amazing and beautiful soul, auntie stacy. i love you. <3

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