after a few wines i find my mind beginning to wander,
from how being single may not be the be all and end all of me.
that i might have something to offer as a single entity.
to how lucky i am, that even though i may not have a man in my life that i am exclusively romantic with,
i actually have several men and boys in my life that i laugh and make memories with and who simply love me for me.
i dont need that one person to justify who i am or what i can accomplish in this life.
i, myself, am the only person who can do that and i do so with a lovely and wonderful support team of friends and family behind me.
i am soon to take my first steps into being that independent person (woman) i claim to be, and to live in a home of my own with a friend that i adore.
its an exciting and scary step but its one that ive wanted to take for a while now.
i guess its small in the scheme of things but its exciting non the less.
and i will listen to what my cards tell me.
- that i have lost and slowly started to regain my self-worth
i am currently living in a phase of serenity and growth
and that my future will be filled with meditation (me time), a miracle (my surprise) and of healing from my past challenges.
something i look forward too and who knows maybe next year sometime i will have a special someone to call my own instead of my summer romances which seem to walk in and out of my life each summer season...
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